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A night in the presence of the Lord

Latoya Lackey

There I was, last night, holding the camera at an old fashion tent revival. The live stream was going out on Face Book and we were in full swing. With only about 70 – 100 people gathered in this field by the interstate under a little white tent, the power of God was moving mightily! Suddenly, during a lively altar service towards the end of the night, the speaker turned to me, told someone to lay hands on me with him and I felt the electric power of God fly through my body. I was vibrating all over! (Needless to say, I dropped the camera and someone had to take over from there. If you want to see click this video and scroll forward to 1:13:52, then you can see the camera begin to shake and then go black on the video at 1:14:11.)

Words were spoken over me, promises confirmed, and more doors opened. I’m not sure how I drove home last night. I was definitely “under the influence” of the Holy Ghost. As I laid down in my bed at almost one in the morning, I instantly drifted off to sleep. It was one of “those” nights. You know the ones; where you wake up praying in the Holy Ghost or you start to feel the power of God rushing through your body and you shake yourself awake. I’ve only had a handful of “those” nights in my life, but they are always a turning point. Yesterday was a day of extremes from the very beginning. I started the morning being a guest on a national prayer call that had me praying and sharing my story of God’s redemption to all on the call. I felt the Lord’s anointing on me and I moved myself out of the way, allowing Him to speak. I know many on the call were touched by His redeeming love and I was humbled by the messages I received throughout the day. (number for replay of the call below) As soon as I hung up from this amazing call, the enemy attacked…hard. It’s not important what he did, so I give him no glory by sharing it. It’s only important that it didn’t upset me for long. I was in a state of shock for about 20 minutes and then the peace of God came over me and I knew all would be alright. God knows truth and honors those that allow Him to step in to defend and set the record straight. I must have really upset the enemy’s camp by sharing my story on such a large platform. Because by early afternoon I was struck with a severe migraine. I very rarely have them and I knew it too was another spiritual attack. I also knew that I needed sleep because I had been in prayer and working late for the last several nights, in preparation for the call, so I decided to lay down. I asked the Lord to hold and refresh me. When I woke up, I knew that I had been in his presence and had a total peace again. So, to then end the day on a grassy tent revival floor with straw in my hair and the electricity of God coursing through my body and continuing throughout the night……all I can say is “Wow, He is good!”. I can’t tell you why He chose yesterday to encourage me and set my feet in solid determination to do His will, no matter what the enemy does and no matter what anyone thinks, but He did. I can’t tell you why, after 20+ years of seeking Him and trying my best to stay at the feet of Jesus, that he chose right now to open doors and fulfill promises from years gone by, but He did. I can’t tell you why He does a lot of the things He does, but I know HE IS FAITHFUL. If you are reading this and thinking that you want confirmation or that you need a night of waking up in the Holy Ghost…..SEEK HIM. These things do not just happen. They come through pouring your heart out, hours of prayer in the morning, feeding on His word, putting away the childish things and maturing in the Lord. It is His greatest desire that, after we come to the saving knowledge of Christ, we pursue a passionate, deep relationship with Him. When you step beyond your Sunday morning “hello God” and into an intimate fellowship with Him, HE WILL SHOW UP! He is waiting on His Bride to take her place. He is yearning to use each of His children in world changing, hell shaking ways. He is calling you to a higher place. Won’t you say YES? Will you put aside the distractions and make Him the priority? Will you stop seeking out men and women to prophecy over you and start asking the Lord to speak over you? When you shift your focus to Him, you too will have a night in the presence of the Lord.

(To hear the prayer call dial 712.451.1010 access code 988990# replay code 1399#, we pray for the first 50 minutes and then I share about taking limits off of God and my redemption story through having an abortion when I was younger. You can press 6 real fast about 30 times and fast forward through the prayer part.)

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